Thursday 29 March 2012


Each person will probably crave a better future; success in career, household and social relationships. But often we feel hit by various constraints. And ironically, the biggest obstacle is coming from ourselves, who became our greatest enemy. There are seven steps that Joel Osteen would suggest to challenge us out of the narrow mindset and start thinking with a new paradigm.

  1. The first step is to expand horizons. That you have to look at life with eyes of faith, look at yourself being bolted to a higher level. You must have a clear mental picture of what you will achieve. These figures should also be part of the self, in the mind, in conversation, seep into the subconscious mind, in deed and in every aspect of your life.
  2. The second step is to develop a healthy self image. That means you must underlie a picture of yourself on what God says about you. The success you achieve your goals depends on how you look at yourself and what you feel about yourself. Because it will determine your level of confidence in the act. The fact that you do not akanpernah shot higher than what you think about yourself.
  3. The third step is to discover the power behind your thoughts and words. The main target of enemy attack is thought that there yourself. He knew if he had managed to control and manipulate what you think, then he would successfully control and manipulate all your life. Determine the attitude of mind, attitude and self image. The mind set goals.
  4. The fourth step is to let go of the past. Let the past go. You may have lost everything that no one should experience it in this life. If you want to live victoriously, you should not be wearing the trauma of the past as an excuse to make bad choices today. You should dare not make the past as an excuse for bad manners during this, or justify your actions to not forgive someone.
  5.  The fifth step is to find the strength in the worst circumstances you should be: "I may have fallen several times in this life, but I will not continue to stay down there." We all face challenges in life. We all must have experienced the things that come to attack us. We may be imposed from the outside, but the key to living victoriously is learning how to rise again from the inside.
  6. The sixth step is to give with joy. One of the biggest challenges we face is the temptation to live selfish. For we know that Allah does want the best for us. Allah wants us to prosper, to enjoy the grace and many more that Allah provided for us. But sometimes we forget and get caught up in selfish behavior. Indeed we will experience more joy than ever imagined when we want to share life with others.
  7. The seventh step is to choose to be happy today. You do not have to wait until all the issues resolved. You do not have to postpone happiness until you reach all the target goals. Believe me, Allah wants us to be happy, whatever our condition, and right now!

   (Quoted from: Achieving the maximum potential life by Joel Osteen)

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